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Kuranui Primary School is a small rural school with big learning opportunities. We have students from Year 0 to Year 6. Our learning programmes are explicitly designed for the needs of our students. We are proud to say that we are teaching our students using evidenced based methods which include structured literacy as best practice. We understand the need to develop the whole person, so we focus not just on academic but on all sorts of amazing opportunities. These opportunities include sports, arts, music and STEAM. We are also an enviro school, so we do a lot of gardening and planting. We have an orchard and other opportunities that we are developing. There are always lots of new and exciting opportunities happening in our school. We are committed to providing our students with opportunities and skills required to be self-managing learners. We welcome enquiries about our wonderful school.
Welcome to Kuranui Primary School. You will find us beneath the beautiful Kaimai ranges. We are a fantastic learning community, well-resourced in a peaceful country setting.
We are proud to be part of Kuranui Primary School. The children, families and staff make this a great place to be. As a country school we offer a wide range of opportunities for our learners. Our shared vision is:
“Striving to be the best we can in a caring and safe learning environment”
“Ko te whai i te tika kia manaakitia te tangata e te aroha huri noa i toona taiao.”
We provide quality learning in a family setting. We are grateful to our parents who fundraise to help make our school the fantastic place that it is. We have a wonderful BOT who help manage our school in conjunction with the staff.
We offer small class sizes with very capable teachers who help guide our students to become lifelong learners in all areas of our school curriculum. We want our students to leave Kuranui Primary School enabled and empowered to be 21st century learners.
The teaching staff have a wide range of expertise, interests and experience. Supported by the principal to provide a wide range of learning opportunities for our tamariki. They work as a team sharing professional skills and knowledge.
Parents and caregivers are welcome to join us in the classroom during our learning or at varied other times such as sports, trips, camp, agricultural day and at our student led conferences and assemblies.
By choosing Kuranui Primary School for your child/ren you will begin a wonderful journey working together in partnership with us to provide the best quality learning outcomes for your child/ren.
I welcome you and your family to Kuranui Primary School and trust that we will provide you with the best learning outcomes for your child in a supportive environment. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries.
Mike Thornley,
Proud Principal of Kuranui Primary School.
11 Feb 2025
21 Feb 2025
Vans will start running tomorrow morning based on last year's times for this week.
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