All children are expected to attend school every day, if for some reason they are absent they are expected to bring a note explaining absences or if your child is going to be away, please phone the School before 9.00 am of that day or register absence on Skool Loop. If we do not receive contact we will contact you. This is a safeguard for your child so that teachers & parents know of the child’s whereabouts at all times. You have a legal obligation to ensure your child attends school. All absences need to be substantiated. We must be provided with a reason as to the absence.
Accidents, Allergies, Emergencies:
We need to have an up-to-date phone number and address in case of emergency. We also require an alternative number. In the event of an accident at school, we will attend to the child with basic first aid. We will contact you or your emergency number if we feel your child needs further medical treatment.
When children are unwell, you will be contacted to come and take your child home. If no contact is made, your child will be supervised at school.
If your child requires medication at school, e.g. inhalers, antihistamine etc, please label the medication clearly and bring to school (personally).
You will have to sign a form to allow staff to administer medicines (see form attached). This form is available through school docs. It will be stored appropriately where all staff members have access to it.
Agricultural Day:
This is held annually in September or October. All children are encouraged to have an animal (currently lamb or kid only).
Prior to the event we may organise a practical demonstration for the children on how to present their animals in the rings and details of what the judges will be looking for. The Calf Club Committee/PTA runs this day.
Group Day is held in Matamata in late October and any child may register their name and animal to enter this.
Appointments with Staff:
We operate an open-door policy. The staff, including the principal, are more than happy to talk to you about any concerns you may have with your child or within the school. However, to ensure that your trip to the school is not a wasted one, it is important that you arrange a time to meet with the teachers/principal. Please contact the teacher/principal by email to arrange a time.
Assemblies are held on a regular basis fortnightly on a Friday afternoon from 2.25pm – 3.00pm. There will be two Community assemblies a term. This time is used sharing and celebrating with our whanau. Students will share items.
Board of Trustees:
The Board of Trustees is the governing body of the school. It consists of parent representatives, the principal and an elected staff representative. The full Board works in consultation with the community and meets once a month to hold meetings that are open to the public.
Click Here for your Board of Trustees Members
Book Club (Scholastic New Zealand Ltd):
Approximately once a month order forms will come home for children to order books. The school earns bonus points for purchasing books with every book sold. You can order online or through the school office.
Civil Defence / Emergencies:
Should any major disaster or emergency occur, children will be held at school, under supervision, until a parent or authorised person comes to pick them up.
Class Organisation:
Click Here for our Staff and Class Allocations
Dental Clinic:
Our Dental Therapists are based at the Matamata Community Dental Clinic, 45 Station Road, Matamata. The Dental Therapists organises dental checks yearly, if you require their service any other time please contact the clinic direct on (07) 888 5202.
Education Outside the Classroom:
Outdoor Education forms an important part of every child’s learning.
All classes will regularly have experience beyond the walls of their room. Generally, only the senior pupils will stay away from school overnight.
The main camping ventures generally take place in Term 1 or 4, with further experiences being offered throughout the year.
It is our strong belief that every child should have the chance to experience camp. If you find there are financial difficulties, please see the Principal.
Enrolments/New Entrants:
Parents are welcome to bring their child to school to join in with the juniors prior to them beginning school. Please contact the school to arrange this. Also, please remember to bring your child’s birth certificate and immunisation certificate so that their birth date can be verified, and their immunisation certificate sighted on enrolment to the school. Visits, usually 2 to 4, will be organised in conjunction with the teachers.
Follow the ‘Kuranui School’ Facebook page to keep up to date with events, activities and notices.
We encourage pupils and the community to use our grounds/facilities outside of school hours and during the weekends. Users must report any vandalism or people acting suspiciously. We are proud of our facilities and appreciate you treating them with respect at all times. We do ask that no dogs are brought onto the school grounds.
Wide brim hats are required. Please find prices and sizes on the enclosed school uniform order sheet. These are compulsory in Terms 1, 4. Postie Plus has a good selection.
Health Support Services:
We have regular visits from the Public Health Nurse and Hearing & Vision testing.
Heat pumps are installed in each of the classrooms, and they provide regulated heating or cooling throughout the year as needed.
Please ring to notify school if your child is to be absent or enter an absence through the Skool Loop App.
The children are encouraged to borrow books from the library, which is full of reference and fiction books of all levels. If your borrowed book should accidentally get damaged, please return it to school so it can be repaired – unreturned books will be billed to you. The library is available to students throughout the week with specific library time timetabled within each classroom.
Lunch Orders:
Lunches are offered regularly throughout the year. The P.T.A. committee have a system where school families volunteer for a roster and sausage sizzles are held every alternative week. Other alternatives are also offered from time to time.
Newsletters are emailed fortnightly on a Friday to keep you informed on school matters and upcoming events unless you don’t have an email address then we will send home a printed copy with your child.
These newsletters also get circulated to the wider community to keep them informed on all school matters occasionally.
If you have anything to advertise, please feel free to do so through our newsletter. We also show children’s work if there is space, and list upcoming events.
Newsletters are also posted online our website – www.kuranui.school.nz.
We also include our newsletter on our Skool Loop App.
Office Hours:
The Office Manager hours are as follows:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday – 9.00am till 11.00am. Otherwise please contact Carlette via the office email address: office@kuranui.school.nz
If you need photocopying done, please ring to arrange a time.
We also have a laminating and binding service available.
Photocopy Charges are: |
10c per A4 sheet, 20c per A3 sheet – Black & white |
3c per sheet (if using own paper) |
20c per A4 sheet, 40c per A3 sheet – Colour |
15c per sheet (if using own paper) |
Laminating charges are: |
A4 - $1.00 per sheet |
A3 - $2.00 per sheet |
Parent Help:
We encourage parent help and support in the school including assisting with reading, school trips and other little jobs within the school. If you would like to be involved within the school, please let the staff know.
Please do not park in the area directly in front of the school gate, bus stop or the mail box.
Yearly a professional photographer comes to school to take class, family, and individual photos. Information about this will be made available closer to the time.
The school has a P.T.A. (Parent-Teacher Association) that works to raise funds for all the “extras” needed not provided by the Ministry of Education. The committee has events during the year to raise funds, which include social events, calf-rearing sales and raffles etc. Meetings are held regularly with dates and times advertised in the school newsletter.
Anyone is more than welcome to attend. If you are interested in helping out with fundraising, please contact the school.
Religious Instruction:
All classes have religious instruction for half an hour per week, for 6 week for two terms during the year. Voluntary helpers take these lessons. The school is officially closed during this time. It is a non denominational Christian programme called Launchpad. Parents will need to opt into this programme in writing. This Bible in School session is held on a Friday morning.
Reporting to Parents:
Regular reports are made to parents by:
School Donations:
The Kuranui School Board of Trustees have opted into the government scheme to receive extra money in 2023 we will therefore not ask for a donation except for things such as the cost of accommodation for school camp. The school will follow the rules set by the Ministry of Education around this.
Skool Loop:
This easy to use app allows us to keep you informed of activities, notices and permissions. You can download the app from your app store and load ‘Kuranui School’ to keep up to date.
Sport with Other Schools:
Kuranui Primary School participates in sporting and cultural fixtures with other country and town schools in the Matamata area. These events include cross country, swimming, athletics, winter sports and others.
A list of stationery requirements is given to the students at the end of the school year. These items can all be purchased through the link provided on the list from office max. We appreciate it if students commence the school year with the necessary stationery requested. We keep a very small supply of stationery on hand at school, which is available on request throughout the year.
Student Concerns:
If you have any concerns please follow our concerns and complaints policy:
We look forward to a positive working relationship and hope that any misunderstandings can be dealt with quickly.
During the warmer months in Term 1 and Term 4 we have swimming as often as practical. It is a curriculum requirement that all children bring togs and participate in the school’s programme. A note is required if children are not swimming. In term 4 we are lucky to have Graeme Lang, who was an Olympic coach, take lessons at school.
School Uniform:
The school has a voluntary school uniform that you can order through the school. Please find enclosed an order form in the Prospectus folder.
The school own two 12 seater vans. Both vans do two separate runs each morning and afternoon. All children are expected to behave on the van and are not to distract the van driver. Students who are travelling in the vans are bound by the Code of Conduct. A copy of this is included in the enrolment pack. As each run in the van is nearly always full, it is important to contact the school if your child is not required to go on the van or if you would like he/she to go on another run. We will try to accommodate your needs but may not be able to due to the full runs.
Van #1 is driven by Mrs. Maree Enevoldsen and van #2 is driven by Mrs. Raylene Read. Whilst we try and accommodate those we can we are bound by our transport entitlement zone and these students must come first. Even if you are offered a space on our van this is not a guarantee that the space will always be available.
Working Bees:
We endeavour to hold a working bee occasionally to enable us to keep up with jobs that need doing around the school. If we require your help a note will be sent home or put in the newsletter.
Contact Details:
Kuranui Primary School
66 Waiomou Road
R D 2
Telephone (07) 883 4866
Email: office@kuranui.school.nz
What you as a parent can do to help:
Thank you for taking the time to read this booklet. If there are any areas where you would like further explanation or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us at the school.
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